

Advertise with LLAGNY!


What better way to reach our 700 + members and your target audience than a top banner clickable ad on the LLAGNY website!

LLAGNY is comprised of librarians and information professionals in law firms, academic institutions, courts, bar associations and corporate law offices. Our members play a key role in the acquisitions of new products and services. Advertising on the LLAGNY website provides you with direct access to the law library community and the legal profession.

  • Our top banner advertising rate, 6 months @ $750 for ad to run January 1 – June 30; one year @ $1,500 for ad to run January 1 - December 31.
  • Top banner specs 468 x 60 pixels in PNG or JPG.

Ads rotate on all LLAGNY website pages and all ads rotate equally. Reserve your space today. Ads are accepted on a first come, first served basis. We accept a maximum of 10 ads. 

For additional information and to secure your ad placement, please contact LLAGNY Corporate Sponsorship Committee at [email protected].